town hall
Procedure descriptions

Apply for a pension due to partial reduction in earning capacity in the event of occupational disability

Insured persons who are unable to work have the possibility to apply for a pension due to partial reduction in earning capacity in case of occupational disability.

You are considered unable to work if you can work less than six hours a day for health reasons compared to healthy people. This applies both to your previous occupation and to another occupation that you can reasonably be expected to do.

The pension for partial reduction in earning capacity in the event of occupational incapacity is calculated from all periods under pension law that you have acquired up to the onset of occupational incapacity.

When calculating the pension, it is always checked whether an additional - "fictitious" - period can be taken into account when calculating the pension amount. The reason for this is that, especially if the pension is claimed at a young age, calculating the pension only from the contributions paid in would lead to a low pension amount

This additional - "fictitious" - time is called the additional calculation period and is the time between the onset of the reduction in earning capacity and a certain legally defined age. This puts you in the same position as if you had paid contributions up to that age.

If your pension starts before the age limit that applies to you, you will have to accept deductions.for each month you retire earlier, the deduction is 0.3 per cent, but not more than 10.8 per cent in total. Seek advice from the German Pension Insurance (Deutsche Rentenversicherung).

Limitation of the pension

  • Pensions for partial reduction in earning capacity in the case of occupational disability are paid for a limited period of time. Temporary pensions start at the earliest from the seventh calendar month after the onset of reduced earning capacity, if you have applied for a reduced earning capacity pension in good time. A temporary pension can be extended within the framework of a continuation procedure
  • If it is unlikely that your reduced capacity will improve solely for medical reasons, you will receive the pension for partial reduction in earning capacity in the event of occupational disability for an unlimited period from the beginning. The pension will then start at the earliest in the calendar month following the onset of the reduction in earning capacity, if you have applied for the reduced earning capacity pension in time

Responsible department

  • the municipal or city administration or the insurance office of your place of residence
  • the offices of the German Pension Insurance (DRV) or
  • insurance advisers working on a voluntary basis for the DRV



This pension can be received by persons who

  • were born before 2 January 1961 and are occupationally disabled,
  • have paid three years of compulsory contributions in the last five years before the onset of occupational disability and
  • fulfil the general qualifying period of five years (i.e. 60 months of contributions and replacement periods).

If the reduction in earning capacity is due to, for exampleif the reduction in earning capacity occurred, for example, as a result of a military or civilian service injury, as a result of an occupational accident or within six years of training, a pension entitlement may exist under "simplified conditions". We recommend that you seek advice from the German Pension Insurance if necessary


You must apply for a pension for partial reduction in earning capacity in the event of occupational disability in writing or online.

You can also have your application recorded at the competent office. Then you will also receive advice and help on the subject of pensions at the same time.

Send the completed pension application form to your pension insurance institution. If it recognises your pension entitlement, Deutsche Post AG's pension service will transfer the pension to the account specified in the pension application.

You will receive the pension on the last bank working day of the month for the next month.

You should inform Deutsche Post AG's Pension Service immediately of any changes of address or bank details. Forms are available at any post office. The Pension Service automatically forwards the data to the pension insurance fund.


  • Application for temporary pensions:
    until the end of the seventh calendar month after the onset of the reduction in earning capacity
  • Application for unlimited pensions:
    until the end of the third calendar month after the incapacity for work has

Note: If you submit your application later, the pension will only be paid from the beginning of the month of application.

Required documents

any medical documents available, such as reports on findings, specialist opinions, hospital discharge reports, etc



Processing time

As a rule, processing takes a few weeks. It depends individually on whether, for example, additional specialist examinations are necessary.


You may earn a limited amount in addition to your pension for partial reduction in earning capacity in the event of occupational disability. Find out about the supplementary income limits before you start working.


Bürger- und Standesamt (Bürgeramt)
Grabenstraße 15
89522 Heidenheim an der Brenz
Fax (0 73 21) 3 23-33 32