What's on heidenheim de
You are on the website of the city of Heidenheim an der Brenz.
With the address www.heidenheim.de you call up the website in your browser.
This can be found on this page:
Here you will find the latest news from the town hall. Click on a message to read further.
Life situations
Here you will find specific information about "Children & Family", "Youth", "Seniors", "New Citizens", "Migrants" and "Companies".
Municipal council
Here you will find current topics on which the municipal council decides.
Citizen Service
Here you will find services that we offer you. For example, how to register a dog or extend your ID card. All contact details and opening times are also available there.
Here you will find information about the next events. Click on an event for more information.
More content
On our website you will find information on kindergartens and schools, building and living, companies, overnight stays, eating and drinking, sights, excursion destinations, theaters, art and museums and sports and leisure opportunities.
Here you can read who made this website.
Data protection
Here you can read how this page handles your data.
Report an error
If you cannot find your way around this website or if you have seen an error, you can send it to us using an online form. We also appreciate praise.
These were the notes on the content of our website. We hope you enjoy our website.